Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's a grey day today
and I'm feeling
grey as well.

Just as well I know
that You
are in the grey too.

Not just the bright and happy
or black moments of despair.

You are here in the middling
the grey
the dull
the commonplace.

But you are not just grey
in the grey.
You bring new light,
new colour,
new sound and texture.
The crunch of autumn leaves,
the smell of a fresh day.

There is more
than just grey to today.
Because You
are in today as well.
How good it was
to worship a feminine god
in corporate worship.

To replace He
with She
with God

I struggled a little
when I hit
Father, Spirit, Son
but Mother works
in place of Father
and the rest remain true

for the feminine side
a glimpse
into other

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You have given me
this beautiful day
to make much of.

Yet I feel like I am
wasting it,
letting it slip away
through my fingers.

I have so much to do,
yet I can't seem to get it done
some days

I am sore today
it does not help me focus
it does not help me work

Perhaps I could focus on you instead?

Though the work needs doing
perhaps less pressure
on myself

It is not urgent
though it needs doing,
but all in its own time

Maybe today needs to be
taken a little slower
restful awareness
focused on the day progressing
less on the rush


Help me to work
despite the soreness,
not through the soreness,
but around it.

To keep getting things done,
crossing them off my list,
my never-ending list.

but in its own time,
in Your time.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do I address you as a parent?
Or a god?
Is one too personal?
The other too distal?

I want to feel you close,
but not without respecting
Your vast greatness.

I have a friend
who needs your help.
Will you be with him?
Loving and supporting him?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mother God,
how good it is to know
that in the wee small hours
when anxieties rise
you are awake too

and I can rest in your arms.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You have given me talents
and abilities

Help me to push through
the anxieties
and use them

keeping things simple

but sometimes
there are so many things
that need doing
need attention
need thinking about
that I get lost
and anxious
and lose my focus on You

Keep it simple.
One thing at a time,
with focus on doing it well
giving glory to the talent-giver,
not focused on the talents-in-action.

Help me
to keep you in focus,
and the anxieties not,
to keep pushing through
my own worries
into Your arms.